• Im Team sind wir stark und lernen Sprac...

Im Team sind wir stark und lernen Sprachen & Musik am leichtesten.....

Dr. Karin
Dr. Karin W.

Learn German in a better way -. 

Teaching German, English and French to foreigners online on GoStudent for over one year and in person in Munich for decades, I love showing children and youngsters how to improve their reading and writing skills and learn German accent - free. As a singer and musicologist, I use my musical ear to teach classical German, elegant French and good English. Every language is based on fundamental grammar like a house is built on foundations. Without basics it would soon collapse.  

Basics mean learning how to formulate a proper sentence, how verbs are constructed and put in the right time, which prepositions go with which verbs, and which W-questions are important for a report or summary and why!!!! Once you know the construction principles, it becomes easy to memorize irregular verbs. 


Parents -  please remember that your children will be assessed in German schools just like German children and the requirements in German and languages will grow enormously from grade to grade. Starting language tutoring early will save the child from the normal frustration of school. If the child reads books with his tutor, discusses the content and writes small texts, the success increases daily.... Dr. K  Parents, teachers, students soon recognize this progress by better notes.

Trial session for free for German, English or French ... 


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Dr. Karin
Dr. Karin W.
Tutoring works only in a good team....