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Enoch Sarpong
Enoch Sarpong
Ort Wien
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Profilbeschreibung von Enoch Sarpong
My way of teaching is the interractive method. I allow my students to express themselves. No answer is wrong in the class. i accept every answer and correct some if need be. I do not encourage learning my memorizing materials. Understanding is the best way of learning. When student undestand what they are studying, it stays with them forever and be able to apply or reproduce when need be. I also...
My way of teaching is the interractive method. I allow my students to express themselves. No answer is wrong in the class. i accept every answer and correct some if need be. I do not encourage learning my memorizing materials. Understanding is the best way of learning. When student undestand what they are studying, it stays with them forever and be able to apply or reproduce when need be. I also throw challeinginng questions to student to know what they think about the subject matter. This helps me to know how my student think and best ways to help them. Lively classes are good for potientials development.
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