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Profilbeschreibung von Fidan
First of all, I conduct a diagnostic assessment to determine each student’s current level of English proficiency. Then I discuss individual goals with students, such as improving general communication skills, enhancing academic English, or preparing for a specific purpose like job applications. In order to balance skill development, I ensure lessons cover all four key language skills—listening, s...
First of all, I conduct a diagnostic assessment to determine each student’s current level of English proficiency. Then I discuss individual goals with students, such as improving general communication skills, enhancing academic English, or preparing for a specific purpose like job applications. In order to balance skill development, I ensure lessons cover all four key language skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—while integrating grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. For having clear understanding about students' progress, I regularly assess students through quizzes, oral presentations, written assignments, and informal checks. After that I provide constructive feedback, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement, and offer strategies to address challenges.
It is also important to incorporate cultural elements and real-world contexts to make lessons relevant and engaging, because it helps students understand language use in different situations.
For my IELTS lessons, I always work on my students 4 skills regularly. For Listening skill, I use authentic IELTS listening materials, practice tests, and audio exercises to improve listening skills and familiarize students with different accents and question types. For Reading skill, I teach my students skimming, scanning, and detailed reading techniques, along with timed practice to enhance reading speed and comprehension. For Writing skill, I provide structured guidance on writing Task 1 (report/letter) and Task 2 (essay), focusing on task response, coherence, cohesion, and grammatical accuracy. For Speaking skill, I conduct regular speaking practice sessions, including mock interviews, to build confidence and fluency while providing feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
For IELTS preparation, it is very important to teach students effective time management techniques to ensure that they can complete each section within the allotted time.
I always supply my students with a range of IELTS preparation materials, including textbooks, online resources, practice tests, and model answers.
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