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Apolonia Sherly
Apolonia Sherly
Unterrichtet Englisch
verified Verifizierte Daten
50 €/h
Sekundarstufe I
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English and Geography Tutor who teaches children of all ages

Hi I am Sherly, 35 years old and have completed PhD in Human Geography since February 7, 2018, Postdoctoral experience in Western Europe and Southern Europe (Austria, Germany, and Portugal), and won medals, prizes, scholarships, grants, and fundings more than 50 total achievements and successes in various scientific fields such as English Education, Literary Arts, Music Performance, Linguistic and Environmental letters, Disaster Management, Natural sciences, Social sciences, Political science, Legal science, and various interdisciplinary scientific sectors in more than four continents and 10 countries. As a rich experience as a teacher for children aged 5-17 years old, and a lecturer for students aged 18-50 years old (bachelor, master, and PhD), I always prioritise learning that is light, fun, and yet competitive. Such light learning such as social geography, linguistic and English people contexts, disaster areas, border areas, and emergency safety, issues I therefore have taught, because my professional work and education background is interdisciplinary social geography in English context and non-English context people/communities in responding to disaster cases in two different continents. I help students understand the practice and theory of learning through in-class and out-of-class learning experiences with the guidance of the syllabus that I create according to their age and background. Of course, an enjoyable learning process requires care and ingenuity. Of course, a fun learning process requires a teacher's accuracy and intelligence in guiding, monitoring, and jointly resolving difficulties in digesting lessons from students together. And I have confident skills, knowledge and experience, for more than a decade (2006-2010 teaching English, History and Geography to East Timorese refugee children in West Timor voluntarily and part time), continued during 2011 - 2018 to advisor/consultant for Indonesian education in the realm of disaster and onsite and online research, and from 2019 until now lecturer at universities in Indonesia and Germany, and temporarily in Porto Portugal as a freelance writer for Master and Doctoral students from the UAE. I am the right person to get this position. In addition, the language used during the Courses Study, and the language used for my Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis and PhD Thesis were English as the only Language.
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