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Profilbeschreibung von James
English native speaker and language coach (TESOL,Trinity College London 1994) with over 26 years teaching experience. If you study with me, you’ll see and feel rapid progress in your English. Lessons are fun and engaging (no books) and based on a highly-developed, verbal approach that stimulates awareness and encourages the student to think, speak and learn in real time. I can give you the expre...
English native speaker and language coach (TESOL,Trinity College London 1994) with over 26 years teaching experience. If you study with me, you’ll see and feel rapid progress in your English. Lessons are fun and engaging (no books) and based on a highly-developed, verbal approach that stimulates awareness and encourages the student to think, speak and learn in real time. I can give you the expressive power you need to communicate with confidence in any situation in spoken and written English. I teach a wide variety of people around the world, from students to top professionals in their fields. I have helped several hundred students pass exams with top grades and achieve the results they need, from using everyday English to job interviews, speaking on television, radio and public speaking in general.Besides teaching, I am also a professional photographer and publish with, among others, well-respected publications such as The Guardian and Gazeta Wyborcza. Please get in touch if you have any questions about individual or group lessons.
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