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Profilbeschreibung von Jane
I'm a teacher with almost ten years of experience. I went straight from being a student to being on the opposite side of the classroom - BEING THE TEACHER. Ever since then, I've been combining my experiences and knowledge to really help my students, avoiding the mistakes I witnessed my own teachers make.
I also never stopped being a student, and I mean this both metaphorically and literally. I'm...
I'm a teacher with almost ten years of experience. I went straight from being a student to being on the opposite side of the classroom - BEING THE TEACHER. Ever since then, I've been combining my experiences and knowledge to really help my students, avoiding the mistakes I witnessed my own teachers make.
I also never stopped being a student, and I mean this both metaphorically and literally. I'm now getting my master's degree and, at the same time, helping other people reach their goals, no matter what those are – to learn English because you want to? Because you have to? Because your mom made you? Need it for work? School? Visiting an English-speaking country? Those are all good reasons :)

In our first lesson, I find it crucial to evaluate my students - in a way they feel comfortable:
- Prefer having a conversation over a standard classroom test? Not a problem!
- Too shy to have a long conversation during our first meeting? Don't worry, together we'll find a way to make it work and give you the best learning experience ever.

I like to lead the lesson in english - if possible, of course. In my experience, actively listening is one of the most effective ways to expand one's vocabulary and acquire proper pronunciation. That leads to building the confidence and ultimately, speaking english like a native language.

Being shy about speaking to someone in a language you're just learning is a phenomenon that can apply to almost every person in the whole world! Sometimes, even though a person has expanded their vocabulary and improved their pronunciation over time, they're still shy to ACTUALLY speak the language in public. Fear of embarrassment and failure - again, something we've ALL experienced.

Well, I am here to help you overcome this obstacle called the English language and also build up that confidence I'm sure you have in you!
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