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Jessia Khalis
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Jessia Khalis
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Sekundarstufe I
Bildung, Abschlüsse und Zeugnisse
Bildung, Abschlüsse und Zeugnisse
Masterabschluss (aktuelle beschäftigung): Master International Management (CEMS MIM)
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Profilbeschreibung von Jessia Khalis
Hi there! My name is Jessia, and I'm currently studying Master International Management (CEMS MIM) at the University of Cologne.

<< Qualifications >>
I previously did my high school in Singapore before moving to Germany in 2018 to pursue my studies. With over a decade of experience as an international student, English has become my second nature. Achieving an 8.0 score in the IELTS test, equival...
Hi there! My name is Jessia, and I'm currently studying Master International Management (CEMS MIM) at the University of Cologne.

<< Qualifications >>
I previously did my high school in Singapore before moving to Germany in 2018 to pursue my studies. With over a decade of experience as an international student, English has become my second nature. Achieving an 8.0 score in the IELTS test, equivalent to a C2 level, underscores my proficiency.

Beyond academics, I bring over 2 years of Human Resources experience from various English-speaking companies. This background allows me to offer valuable insights into Business English, guiding you through job interviews and optimizing your CV and cover letter.

<< Teaching Approach >>
Our lessons begin with a discussion about your goals. Why are you learning English? Are you preparing for a specific test (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)? Assessing your current proficiency level, I tailor a personalized learning plan with defined timelines and measurable objectives to ensure our progress.

Having personally navigated the journey from zero to C1 in German, I appreciate the significance of practice. Therefore, I structure the classes to be highly interactive, providing ample opportunities for you to enhance your speaking skills.

<< Areas of Teaching >>
- Daily Conversation
- Pronunciation
- Academic English (writing for academic papers, theses, etc.)
- Business English (job interviews, CV, cover letter, communicating in professional emails, etc.)
- Grammar & Vocabulary
- Basic English for Travel

<< Tutoring Package >>
Price: 14€/hour
(Payment method: PayPal)

*The introductory session is free

Languages I speak:
Indonesian (native language)
English (second language)
German (full professional proficiency)

<< Other subjects I offer (same price & approach) >>

Feel free to book a free trial with me or drop me a message if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you and embarking on this language-learning journey together! :-)
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