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Profilbeschreibung von Lindita
I have teached as an online tutor since 3 years ago with my international students inside/out of Europe .I have my own plan and content of the lesson and I arrange them according to the potential of the students and their skills.
I try to do my best and to adapt them in the lesson format ,so they can easily understand and learn it. I always prefer to create a relationship with my students in a w...
I have teached as an online tutor since 3 years ago with my international students inside/out of Europe .I have my own plan and content of the lesson and I arrange them according to the potential of the students and their skills.
I try to do my best and to adapt them in the lesson format ,so they can easily understand and learn it. I always prefer to create a relationship with my students in a way of sharing knowledges and having fun by learning . That’s the most effective way in a modern world where the distraction is high and the life is getting harder . Knowledge is power ! More you know ,more you learn how to use it and get the benefits for a better life.
I try to find a common way which can suits to me and my student !
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