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Personalized Italian online with a native: years of expertise, free trial

Ciao! My name is Alessandro, I am a native speaker and a certified teacher of Italian to foreigners. So far I have taught around 1130 hours of Italian to foreign students of any age (5-80), coming from 67 different countries.

I offer Italian lessons online that are personalized according to my students interests and needs. Usually I adopt the so-called Direct method for pupils who's mother tongue is similar to Italian, and the so-called Humanistic method for non-neo-Latin native speakers.

Some of the areas I can help you improve are: conversational skills, writing, grammar, vocabulary, accent reduction and more!

Besides being a teacher now, I’ve got experience in researching at university (in Spain), tour guiding (in Chile and Estonia), speaking at university (in Chile), support at primary school (in Italy), museum guiding (in Italy), text writing and proof-reading (in Italy). Being an active volunteer in several NGOs (such as UNESCO Clubs) I participated at 62 international meetings and have travelled in 55 countries of the world.

Because of my travels around the world I also speak Spanish and English fluently. I believe mastering another language has given me a different perspective on the difficulties people struggle with while learning a new language. That is why my classes are personalized and focus on your personal needs!

Ready to start learning/improving your Italian proficiency with me? Let’s start with a free trial lesson! After the trial, I offer packages of lessons at affordable prices. Classes can be booked 24 hours in advance & my schedule is flexible.

Hope to see you soon!
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