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Profilbeschreibung von Malick
I am Ph.D. doctor who is doing my Postdoctoral research. I have 10+ years of teaching experience at university level,
both at graduate and under graduate levels. The subjects of my interest at graduate level are
1. Machine learning
2. Deep learning
3. Medical image processing
4. Medical signal processing
5. Digital signal processing
6. Digital image processing

Similalry, at under graduate level...
I am Ph.D. doctor who is doing my Postdoctoral research. I have 10+ years of teaching experience at university level,
both at graduate and under graduate levels. The subjects of my interest at graduate level are
1. Machine learning
2. Deep learning
3. Medical image processing
4. Medical signal processing
5. Digital signal processing
6. Digital image processing

Similalry, at under graduate level, I have experience teaching cources like
1. Digital signal processing
2. Digital Image processing
3. Electronic cicrcuit design
4. Programming with Matlab/ Pthhon
5. Programming with C/C++
6. Math cources Calculus-I/II etc.

I can also help with other technical cources related with undergrad. I can also help with the research projects as I am active in field of research.
I am generally interested in topics related with signal/image processing and machine/deep learning tasks related with classification of signals/images.
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