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Unterrichtet Advanced Certificate in English (CAE) C1
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Sekundarstufe I
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SERGEY V. SAKHNEVICH PhD, Docent.Moscow State Open Pedagogical University as a teaching assistant, senior lecturer

Has worked at the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University as a teaching assistant, senior lecturer and associate professor, teaching stylistics, lexicology, translation theory, and theoretical grammar (as a translator for Promkombinat, Red Carnation Gum, Louis Royer, HermekitClirefFrimair, Costral S. A.) and in a number of established companies like Kirby. Distributed and advertised English language training programs of the American Educational Foundation Warren Foundation, Seattle, Washington. At the Higher School of Management, compiled grammatical and lexical tests for distance learning.
Education and postgraduate improvement:
 BEC Higher/University of Cambridge (2005) №-
 Docent (2002) ДЦ № 015064
 Candidate of Philology: Translation Theory (1998) КТ № 044225
 Diploma of English Teacher (1993) ЦВ № 031413

 The officers of the companies AGT Logistic, AirUnion, British Petroleum, Clear Water, GazExport, Lukoil, КТТ (Комбинова Теплотехника), Moscow Stock Exchange, United Transportation Company, MTV, the NoeHaus Group, Open Air Trans, Pepsi Domodedovo, the Pedigree Factory Kommunarka Ltd, Promkombinat, Real Bio etc.
 Moscow State Open Pedagogical University (teaching assistant, teacher, senior lecturer).
 The Institute of Business Career.
 The American non-for-profit educational organization Warren Foundation, Seattle, Washington.
Business English:
 The knowledge of the English and Russian economic terminology of marketing, the stock market, banking, recruiting).
 My PhD is on the research of translating English economic terms.

 Emotionally literate.
 Passionate.
 Patient.
 Persistent.
 Determined to meet deadlines.

Сахневич Сергей Владимирович
Список работ ВАК
1) Отсутствие перспектив развития перевода как искусства в эру маркетинговой компании. Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. Тамбов: Грамота, 2014. № 7 (37): в 2-х ч. Ч. I. Стр-
2) Стагнационный характер норм и максим, предъявляемых к переводу, и их отрицательное влияние на развитие его теории. Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. Тамбов: Грамота, 2014. № 7 (37): в 2-х ч. Ч. II. Стр-
3) Мартин Лютер: клиентоориентированный перевод во имя малых сих. Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. Тамбов: Грамота, 2014. № 8 (38): в 2-х ч. Ч. II. Стр-
4) Уильям Тиндейл: на костер ради потребителя перевода
Profilbeschreibung von Sergey
? The officers of the companies AGT Logistic, AirUnion, British Petroleum, Clear Water, GazExport, Lukoil, ??? (????????? ????????????), Moscow Stock Exchange, United Transportation Company, MTV, the NoeHaus Group, Open Air Trans, Pepsi Domodedovo, the Pedigree Factory Kommunarka Ltd, Promkombinat, Real Bio etc.
? Moscow State Open Pedagogical University (teaching assistant, t...
? The officers of the companies AGT Logistic, AirUnion, British Petroleum, Clear Water, GazExport, Lukoil, ??? (????????? ????????????), Moscow Stock Exchange, United Transportation Company, MTV, the NoeHaus Group, Open Air Trans, Pepsi Domodedovo, the Pedigree Factory Kommunarka Ltd, Promkombinat, Real Bio etc.
? Moscow State Open Pedagogical University (teaching assistant, teacher, senior lecturer).
? The Institute of Business Career.
? The American non-for-profit educational organization Warren Foundation, Seattle, Washington.CrashCourse

CrashCourse Course - Give Your Last Blow In English

Speak English for 192 hours (8 months) without homework.

v Memorizing a large number of words.

v Great emphasis on pronunciation, repeated reading, retelling of actual texts and effort to speak from the first lessons.

v No homework, flexible hours possible.

v You will be encouraged to work if you can not bring yourself due to fatigue at work.
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