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Profilbeschreibung von Muneeb
My teaching method revolves around trying to make my student think, understand and practice. Especially in maths,understading and practice needs to go together otherwise one can not get a grip on maths. Maths can be exciting and boring too. My job is to make it exciting to my students. It can only be done by showing the importance of maths, the thrill of solving equations, numericals and the add...
My teaching method revolves around trying to make my student think, understand and practice. Especially in maths,understading and practice needs to go together otherwise one can not get a grip on maths. Maths can be exciting and boring too. My job is to make it exciting to my students. It can only be done by showing the importance of maths, the thrill of solving equations, numericals and the added benfits of doing maths.

Most students struggle in maths because they lack a certain base of fundamentals which they fail to build at the start. As they continue learning maths but with a bad base of concepts, they can only go so far, and maths become totally not understandable , irritating and annoying, I first try to set up a clear base of concepts on which they can build on further concepts.

Not every student is same. Some are more intelligent than the others. Not everyone is good at maths. I have absolutely no problem in giving more time and effort to the students who find it hard to understand maths. I can go an extra mile with them until they excel at it. Obviously this also require a coordination of the student as well but the teacher's importance in this role can not be denied.

Lastly, if a student excels at a subject , there is nothing happier than that for a teacher.
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