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Sekundarstufe I
Bildung, Abschlüsse und Zeugnisse
Bildung, Abschlüsse und Zeugnisse
Bachelorabschluss: Graphic Design, Fine Arts
Allgemeine Hochschulreife: English Language
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Profilbeschreibung von Sevda
I believe language classes should be held between at least two people and more. This would allow the students to make conversations amongst themselves, gain confidence and learn from their mistakes. Sometimes it's better to start the learning journey with a friend, a sibling, or a parent. So, I highly recommend having a partner or a buddy to keep each other motivated, and learn more effectively....
I believe language classes should be held between at least two people and more. This would allow the students to make conversations amongst themselves, gain confidence and learn from their mistakes. Sometimes it's better to start the learning journey with a friend, a sibling, or a parent. So, I highly recommend having a partner or a buddy to keep each other motivated, and learn more effectively.

My classes start with a small talk about a certain subject, exchanging ideas, expressing our opinion regarding the topic of the day. During these dialogues, we learn new vocabulary, make sentences and put our grammer knowledge in use, and we develop our listening skills.
Then, we will read a text. First, I read it outload, and later on we go through it together which would allow us practice words, phrases, grammer points, and sentence structures that appeared in the text. We try making questions regarding the passage we just read, in order to both practice the question format, and to be sure that the text was fully understood. I then ask the student to read the text out laod; reading aloud and hearing yourself help gaining confidence and get familiar with the pronounciations.
Lastly, we will do a fun practice to further extend our vocabulary knowledge. We will watch a photograph, and try to come up with the words that we can recongnize in the image or could be related to the picture. As we make more progress with our lessons, we use these new words in a sentence, a question or a statement. This is as a good way to practice our grammer skills.

I am hoping that my method would provide the knowledge, develop the skills, and give you the confidence in your communications and self-expression.

Looking forward to meeting you in the last, and I wish you a great day.
Kind regards,
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