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Profilbeschreibung von Weronika
In short:
? sessions only in English
? use-based grammar
? vocabulary expands naturally

?? conversations-only approach for advanced English speakers ??
?? revising material for primary school learners ??
?? fun with the English language for the youngest learners ??

...but everyone is different so we can always discuss the learning process individually ??

I only use English during...
In short:
? sessions only in English
? use-based grammar
? vocabulary expands naturally

?? conversations-only approach for advanced English speakers ??
?? revising material for primary school learners ??
?? fun with the English language for the youngest learners ??

...but everyone is different so we can always discuss the learning process individually ??

I only use English during my lessons so my
students always get the full experience of this language during sessions.

I like to teach grammar comprehensively and have a practice- and use-based approach in teaching, vocabulary often comes naturally during sessions.

I always adjust my sessions to the individual needs of my learners - we can have conversations only, revise material from a textbook, work on individual contexts (such as travel/holidays/shopping etc.) or have some fun with English for my youngest learners (songs/basic vocabulary/games etc.)
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