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Ahmad Aayan
Ahmad Aayan
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Unterrichtet Deutsch als Fremdsprache
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I'm a German teacher who can teach you according to the European frame work including all four parts of a language

Hi my name is Ahmad Aayan I'm doing mechanical engineering i have a really deep interest in learning languages as i have pursed German and passed all the geothe exams I'm professional at teaching upto various Levels. I've taught students and making 99.99% success ratio . I teach in a very friendly manner so that the next person would be comfortable in learning . I can teach all four parts of a language using different modern supporting material. I hope we
Profilbeschreibung von Ahmad Aayan
As a German teacher, my approach to teaching focuses on creating an immersive and interactive learning environment. I emphasize a balanced integration of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills to ensure comprehensive language acquisition. In my classroom, students engage in a variety of activities such as conversational practice, interactive games, and real-life scenarios to build thei...

As a German teacher, my approach to teaching focuses on creating an immersive and interactive learning environment. I emphasize a balanced integration of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills to ensure comprehensive language acquisition. In my classroom, students engage in a variety of activities such as conversational practice, interactive games, and real-life scenarios to build their vocabulary and grammar skills. I incorporate multimedia resources, including German films, music, and news articles, to expose students to authentic language use and cultural nuances. Regular assessments and personalized feedback help track progress and address individual learning needs, ensuring that each student gains confidence and proficiency in German.

As a German teacher, my approach to teaching focuses on creating an immersive and interactive learning environment, with a particular emphasis on grammar taught in a simple and accessible way. I ensure that students grasp fundamental grammar concepts through clear explanations and practical examples. By integrating speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities, I help students apply grammatical rules in real-life contexts. Interactive games, conversational practice, and multimedia resources such as German films and music make learning engaging and enjoyable. Regular assessments and personalized feedback help track progress and address individual needs, ensuring each student gains confidence and proficiency in German. , I also administer mock tests, allowing students to practice under exam conditions and gain confidence. Interactive games, conversational practice, and multimedia resources such as German films and music make learning engaging and enjoyable. Regular assessments and personalized feedback help track progress and address individual needs, ensuring each student gains confidence and proficiency in German
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