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English für alle Altersgruppen

If you are looking for a fun, enjoyable, and rich experience, then you stopped by the right destination. A very warm welcome to you.
Hey, my name is Mohammed. My native language is Arabic. I am a graduate student with a Bachelor’s degree in English Linguistics, and currently enrolled at Bremen University, Germany in a Master’s program named “English language speaking cultures”. I have had so many fruitful experiences when it comes to teaching English to people of different ages and backgrounds. Having worked and taught English in a private school has helped me come up with creative ways to properly convey information to Second language learners. I employ highly effective methods that are designed to help you come out of your bubble and SPEAK English automatically, quickly, and confidently. Because I care about the evolution of YOUR language, I have planned lessons that suit YOUR needs, interests, and will bring your language speaking skills to the next level. Do not hesitate to reach out to me. I would be super happy to have a trail session where you can tell me what it is exactly that you want to improve. I am super excited to help you speak the English that you have always dreamed of speaking.
My motto is English for all.
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