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English teacher who teaches adults of all ages

I have been an English teacher for more than 10 years and I own a language school in Tehran,Iran whhich is called Online Language House. I have a master's degree in English language teaching and I have taught students of different ages and levels. I have also trained and supervised other teachers in my school. In July 2023 I got my CELTA from London.
My knowledge and experience in my field are based on both theoretical and practical aspects of language learning and teaching. I have studied various approaches and methods of teaching English, such as communicative, task-based, and learner-centered approaches. I have also learned about the principles of curriculum design, assessment, and evaluation. I have applied these theories to my own teaching practice and I have developed my own style and techniques to suit the needs and interests of my learners.
I am passionate and enthusiastic about my field and I always seek to learn and improve myself. I attend workshops and seminars regularly and I read books and articles related to my field. I also participate in online forums and communities where I can exchange ideas and experiences with other teachers from different countries and cultures. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others and I also appreciate receiving feedback and suggestions from others. I believe that teaching is a rewarding and fulfilling profession and I am proud to be a part of it.
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