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Unterrichtet Spanisch
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35 €/h
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Humorvolle Spanisch-Tutorin für alle Level und Altersgruppen

Ich bin Laura, 26 Jahre alt und spreche fließend Spanisch. Ich habe mehrere Jahre in Spanien gelebt und auch viele Erfahrungen in der südamerikanischen Kultur gemacht. Ich möchte, dass du Spaß hast am Spanischlernen und natürlich, dass du deine Lernziele erreichst - Ob du einfach mehr Vokabeln lernen möchtest, Hilfe bei bestimmten Grammatikregeln brauchst, eine wichtige Prüfung ansteht, oder du für den Alltag sprechen üben willst - ich pass mich dir an!
Profilbeschreibung von Laura
Every lesson I teach is prepared just for you, based on what you want to focus on and your topics of interest. Whether you’re looking to build your vocabulary, brush up on grammar, practice speaking or specific rules for exams, or just learn more about Spanish/Latin American culture, together we’ll tailor the lessons to fit your needs. We can cover a wide range of topics, from everyday conversati...
Every lesson I teach is prepared just for you, based on what you want to focus on and your topics of interest. Whether you’re looking to build your vocabulary, brush up on grammar, practice speaking or specific rules for exams, or just learn more about Spanish/Latin American culture, together we’ll tailor the lessons to fit your needs. We can cover a wide range of topics, from everyday conversations and travel phrases to business Spanish, literature, history, or even more personal interests like sports and music. I want learning to be fun and engaging, so let's keep things dynamic and interactive!

Since I teach online, after each lesson I’ll send you the materials we covered so you can go over them in your own time. Plus, I always give a small homework task to keep you practicing, and we’ll review it together in the next class. This way, you’ll be constantly improving at a pace that suits you.

No matter your level, whether you’re a beginner or already advanced, I’ll adapt the lessons to make sure you feel comfortable and challenged. We can do the lessons in your native language if needed, or jump right into full Spanish mode—whatever works best for you! My goal is to make learning Spanish something you look forward to, and I really appreciate everyone who’s brave enough to take on this exciting challenge.

Learning a language doesn’t just help you communicate—it opens doors to new cultures and connects you with people in a special way. I’ve experienced that all over the world, and I’d love to help you experience it too!
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